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  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity
  • synergistic-toxicity

Synergistic Toxicity – Dan iYah


ISBN: 979-8-8284-3134-2
Book Pages: 120
Book Language: English
Publisher: Soundman Interactive
Publish Date: 25/05/07
File Size: 1.2
Simultaneous Device Usage: 5
Text-To-Speech: Enabled
Screen Reader: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Print Length: 120 Pages
Book Availability Status: Pre-Release
Average Book Rating: 5 Stars

Available on 07/05/2025

In “Synergistic Toxicity,” renowned scientists Colin Balance and Ray Matters stand on the brink of a monumental breakthrough. Their groundbreaking discovery shakes the foundations of conventional wisdom, proving that 2 times 0 equals 2—a revelation that sends shockwaves through the scientific community and ignites a race against time to save the planet from impending disaster.

As lead scientist Susan Well sounds the alarm on the imminent collapse of the ozone layer, Colin and Ray join forces with a diverse team of experts to confront the looming threat. With 95% of incoming UV radiation composed of UVA and the remaining 5% split between UVB and UVC, the stakes could not be higher. Yet, hidden dangers lurk beneath the surface, obscured by the very systems meant to protect the planet.

In a world where the biosphere teeters on the edge of collapse, Colin and Ray uncover a sinister truth: the very actions intended to combat climate change have inadvertently transformed the earth into a toxic zone. Climate engineering projects, commissioned by powerful entities within the pharmaceutical industry, unleash aluminium and mercury nanoparticles into the atmosphere, exacerbating the crisis and accelerating the planet’s descent into chaos.

With time running out and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Colin, Ray, and their allies must navigate a perilous landscape of corporate greed, political intrigue, and environmental catastrophe. Their quest for truth takes them to the very heart of the conspiracy, where they confront powerful forces determined to maintain the status quo at any cost.

In “Synergistic Toxicity,” readers will be gripped by a thrilling tale of science, suspense, and survival. As Colin and Ray race to expose the truth and avert a global catastrophe, they inspire readers to question the world around them and join the fight to protect the planet for future generations. Get ready for an adrenaline-fuelled ride that will leave you breathless and eager for more.

  1. Warriors [ODT Muzik] David Boomah, Navigator, Benny Page 3:46
  2. Baddadan Chase & Status, Bou ft. IRAH, Flowdan, Trigga, Takura 3:40
  3. Impossible Numa Crew, Robert Dallas, Petah Sunday. Serum 5:58
  4. Sleepwalking Issey Cross - Serum Remix 3:13
  5. Veteran Bou & Trigga - Serum Remix 2:38
  6. Program Chase & Status - Ft. Irah 3:45
  7. Take My Breath Away Serum, Paul T & Edward Oberon 6:44
  8. Paradise Edward Oberon 6:23
  9. Let It Ride Robert Glasper Experiment feat. Norah Jones 6:09